Authors: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB and Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB
Radio has transformed, progressed and modernized as the overall media industry has expanded and consumer choice has become more robust with media behavior fragmented.
From broadcast to podcast, streaming to social media and everything in between, radio commands the attention of consumers, radio deeply connects with consumers and radio drives indisputable outcomes for brands.
RADIO Performs Strongly on Media Fundamentals.
- Unparalleled reach, precise targeting and significant attention levels.
RADIO is Integral to the Communications Mix.
- Well-trusted, culturally relevant gives brands a fresh way to engage consumers with key messages, while making all other media work harder.
RADIO Elevates Audio Impact.
- Multi-platform campaigns that include broadcast radio deliver a 50% uplift in Return on Ad Spend compared to those using digital audio alone.
RADIO Delivers Attributable Outcomes.
- Effective tools exist to track conversion and other ROI measures, enabling campaigns to be optimized mid-flight. Nielsen’s methodology modernization ensures better inputs for performance, tracking and ROI.
RADIO Measurement from Nielsen Begins to Level the Playing Field for Radio
- The Nielsen 3-Minute Qualifier modernization offers a more comprehensive and actual definition of radio’s audience and their listening behavior.
- More impressions among highly attentive and connected target audiences will drive (and has been proven to drive) even better outcomes and insights from the top to the bottom of the marketing funnel for brands.
There has never been a better time to come together and share radio’s powerful story and indisputable strengths. Now is the time for brands to rethink their media mix and move more of their ad dollars to America’s #1 reach, high-return medium.
Learn and share about radio’s strengths and the positive impact of the change in Nielsen’s radio listening measurement will have on the radio industry and its advertising partners. Go to One Voice for Radio and THIS! Is Radio.
This post was originally published on Radio Matters.